Monday, November 27, 2006

Petting and/or eating piglets.

I really like piglets. At the Farm Park that I and lg. visited over thanksgiving, they had a whole mess (yes, that's the precise technical collective-noun type term) of them, which I spent a smattering of time petting. They remind me of little sausages, and they have really nice rubbery little snouts. They are my favorite version of animal currently. Not pigs, just piglets. When they get too big they are cuter as pork chops...

...which maybe seems like kind of a mean jump, but I think it's good to be close to the animal which you use for meat. I reckon it would good for meat eaters (like me) to experience the slaughtering of the animals they consume. It seems as though this would be a difficult experience, but enlightening, probably.

People (including myself) don't appreciate the fact they are eating a previously living being not nearly enough. I'm not religious, but this is a good reason for saying a form of grace before eating. Not whispering some overused and underfelt words to some god or another, but spending two quiet minutes considering everything that went into producing the food you are about to eat. The labor, the time, and most importantly, the life.

I wish I could act more like I think... alright, New Weeks Resolution: I'll try to remember my agnostic gracing. Thank you, little piglets from the farm.

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